Making the Right Call on Your Child's Health

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Are you trying to decide on the way to help provide your child a healthy upbringing? There are many ways to achieve such a goal, and there are a significant number of sports that can help a child thrive both physically and mentally. Soccer, in particular, provides some benefits, not all the other sports can. Because of its nature, players must include in exercises that require them to sprint, turn, jump, and socialize. But there is more to the story. With the ever-changing order regarding the society and therefore children, the average screen time of a child aged between 8-18 has risen up to 7.5 hours per day, related to the fact that physical activities, including soccer, were replaced with time spent in front of a screen (Merkel, 2013). What physical activities like soccer provide our children is an efficient way of spending time, socializing with their peers, and getting used to daily physical activity, which would be a lot harder to achieve later in life.

Why soccer?

With the rise of national obesity, it is crucial for a child to engage in physical activities and exertion daily that soccer can provide. Soccer enables children to socialize and feel a sense of belonging to a competitive sport. It is a sport with a great exertion rate; therefore, it minimizes the risk of developing a chronic disease. Improves health and motor skills, enables children to improve their cardiovascular health. Soccer is a sport that requires children to sprint, jump, and turn continuously. Children who play soccer have a significantly stronger bone and muscular structure than their peers who don't.

Soccer also has a tremendous psychological effect on children; it minimizes the risk of depression, prevents high-risk health behaviors, increases positive behavior among teens. Why? Because children tend to learn from one another and to constantly be in a safe, competitive, regulated environment (like DC Way) allows them to perceive the world more safely and healthily. Since it's a team sport, it gives children the opportunity to belong in a social group, communicate and grow together. Children at that age don't only require an education that helps with their IQ, but they also need to develop their emotional intelligence, and soccer does just that. They learn how to communicate, be a team player, set goals and kick goals when the time comes. Most importantly, soccer is A LOT OF FUN.

Don't wait any longer; enroll your child in any camp in DC Way and see the immediate emotional and physical change in your child. There's no way better than to gift your child an opportunity to engage in a sport like soccer, where they'll be able to find themselves and thrive!